《我的妈妈》是一本从宝宝视角探究新生妈妈一年生活的生动图鉴,用近乎严酷、夸张的方式,打破传统,创新性地描绘了一位窘态、狼狈,却又现实的妈妈形象,以丑写美,以惰写勤,讴歌了母亲的伟大、辛苦与不易。 这是给孩子的第一堂母爱之课,也是献给所有在陌生的新世界里孤军奋战的妈妈们的心灵抚慰。
"My Mama" is a vivid pictorial book from a baby's perspective, exploring a new mother's life in her first year. Using a unique and exaggerated approach, it breaks tradition and creatively portrays the real and relatable image of a struggling yet dedicated mother. This book celebrates the greatness, hardship, and sacrifices of motherhood, making it the perfect first lesson of love for children and a source of comfort for all mothers fighting alone in a new and unfamiliar world.